
Based on the specifics of the university — the main mission of KGUKI after the name B. Beishenalieva — to train an intellectual elite, highly qualified specialists with creative thinking, capable of effective work in the field of culture and art, development of the education system, fundamental and applied science as a source of new knowledge and technologies in the field of culture and art, strengthening international relations for the benefit of development regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. KGUKI after the name B. Beishenalieva is the largest and only university in Kyrgyzstan in the field of culture and art, on the basis of which it is possible to combine educational and scientific creative potentials that guarantee high quality education for Kyrgyz and foreign students, the joint development and implementation of modern high technologies for the development of culture and art, the economy and solutions socio-cultural, educational tasks of the regions.

The main goal is to increase creative activity, the formation of artistic and creative initiative, the formation of independent thinking. The entire teaching staff of the university, in addition to training sessions, regularly holds relevant scientific and creative, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, symposiums, both for the teaching staff and for students.

The main strategic goals of the university

  • the university is a modern educational center that develops and uses the latest educational technologies in the preparation of competitive specialists in the field of culture and art;
  • the university is a creative, research and methodological center that creates new creative knowledge and introduces high technologies of modern creative art into practice;
  • the university is an innovation center that transfers technologies in the field of culture and art from the stage of scientific and creative development to their technological design.