Department of Folklore and Traditional Music

The department has been operating since 1993 with full-time and part-time education, it trains highly qualified specialists in the field of traditional music and folklore. Among the founders of the department from the first days of its existence were famous folk artists and cultural figures.

Every year the number of students studying at the department is increasing, experienced teachers are individually teaching students, a team of specialists is fully equipped with textbooks, musical instruments, music collections, etc. According to the requirements of the new curriculum, each student who graduated from the department in the last five years must professionally play four or five Kyrgyz national musical instruments and master the teaching methodology. As a result, each graduate of the department becomes a professional performer, teacher and manager in his specialty. At the end of the educational institution, graduates receive the specialty «Social and cultural activities», «head of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble», «teacher».

A folklore ensemble, headed by Azamat Otunchiev, operates under the leadership of the department, the repertoire of which is expanding and updating every year. Currently, more than 20 repertoires have been prepared for the state exam. There are 4 illustrators in the folklore ensemble.