Student practice

The task of training personnel in culture and art in modern conditions requires special attention not only to the analysis of social processes, but also to the improvement of the education system itself: taking into account new factors in the development of state educational standards, models of specialists, and methodological support for the educational process.

The main goal is to increase the creative activity of students, educate them in initiative, independent thinking, increase their interest in the conscientious assimilation of knowledge and skills.

In KSUAC after B. Beishenalieva is connected with production in several directions:

  • Cooperation with organizations and institutions;
  • Organization of industrial practice of students in institutions of culture and art.

Creative cooperation is carried out with theaters, television, film studios, the Philharmonic, as well as with secondary specialized and general educational institutions.

Admission to directing and acting courses is carried out at the request of the theaters of the republic, taking into account their staffing needs. After graduation, graduates are guaranteed jobs in these theatres. University graduates staffed the creative staff of regional and city theaters:  Karakol, Talas, Naryn, Youth Theater, puppet theater, Uchur, Kyrgyz and Russian drama theaters.

Diploma performances are presented to the audience and included in the repertoire of this theater. Practice shows that such cooperation is mutually beneficial for theaters, the university and students.

Students of musical specialties have direct connections with the activities of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble «Kambarkan», the orchestra of Kyrgyz folk instruments named after. K. Orozov Kyrgyz Philharmonic named after T. Satylganov, chorus of the Kyrgyz National Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev. The Kyrgyz Television and Radio Corporation and the film studio «Kyrgyzfilm» provide students studying film directing, sound engineering, cinematography with their material and technical bases for their professional training. Production and pedagogical practice of students is carried out at 3-5 courses on the basis of the Regulations “On the procedure for conducting practices of the KSUAC named after  B. Beishenalieva”, the practice and career department developed programs for educational, introductory, industrial and undergraduate practice, approved by the Academic Council. Students practice in cultural institutions, theaters, film studios, secondary schools, preschool institutions, cultural and leisure centers, child protection centers and rehabilitation institutions, etc.